These are songs I've written
My Lair
Inner ME
News Flash
My Photos
My photos x2
My Photos x3
More pics
More pics x2
Alucard Pics
Alucard Pics x2
Hellsing Pictures
Evil Pictures
Short Stories
Songs I wrote
This page just has misc cool crap on it, enjoy
Below , you'll see some of my songs and misc.I'm not that good, I just do them cuz I get REALLY bored, but you can judge for yourselves
FLOW 1 ( and my best)
bum bum ima lunatic, bum bum a pyromaniac, and im just like that,
ive killed over 25 and they were all burned alive, i like to listen to you burn and crisp and hear the fires lisp , why do i do this, CUZ IMA ****ING ARSENIST
think you can stop me, if you even try ill go after your family,
and ur dumb little pets, ill light them on fire so they can light the tips of my cigerettes,
and at night time i like to run around town and burn stuff to the ground,
then while ur sleeping ill be seeping ur house with gasoline then i flee the scene ,
so while the siblings in bed and ur moms giving head
you start to smell smoke and you all start to choke,
and your pets are all dead guess the fire took their flesh and made it shed but instead they burned from the head down to the feet cuz the heat was to strong and boiled their blood boiling red ,
but see its not all that i do, i like to blow and people and make fun of you,
sometimes i like to blow you up till your eyes pop out ,
you start to shout cuz im ripping open your spleen and cutting your dick off while your peein,
i like to be sneaky as well, i sneak in your house with a white mask, and your in the bath, then i surpise you and your neck gets slashed, and i laugh while i take your body and stash it, at the bottom of your laundry basket, and the rest in the washer, while ur head rolls around and bodies rollin around in this weird posture , and im just plain wack in the mind, and you cant kill me cuz im already dead, ive been stabbed, burned, and shot in the head, you can go head and try but you wont end up alive ur just gonna die , see i can kill you and not a soul will know a thing, and thats the reason why i just keep on murdering Fucking cops and their stupid laws, knee em kick em in the balls, steal their gun and cap their ass, you wish you would have let me pass, told me i was under arrest , take my weed and guns and the rest, well fuck you ya little P I G ima kill ur ass cuz ur a fuckin C O P and every single person hates you and every thing you do from your little cars and ur B D U did you know its a felony to slander, well you can kiss my ass while i take your wife and smack her, whats a matta dont like the way i talk, then ill do a drive by ur ass while u in duh pawk, and ur little children too , you can hold them in ur arms while they bleed all over you and you know why we do this cuz ur a P I G and we just hate all you and every C O P so go fuck yourself and youll soon see how bad ur life is about to be, cuz youve never met some one quite like me, cuz i hate you and every P I and G , cutchu you open and letch your blood flow,i dispel the misery from your hell hole, i let you free let you be what you wanted to be,let you have your privacy, your own personality welcome to reality but now it seems that you just wanted me, wanted me just to feel misery, drop me dead in hell for an eternity, looks like fate turned and took you instead, shounta trusted me , now i left you for dead, how that for fuckin friendship i fuckin filled you with led, dumped ur shit ass body over ice creak bay, cops'll probably find your body in there one day, but they will never find me cuz ill be up in hiding in some run down ware house not far from a town, and i stay low and lay down and where i can buy liqour, cigerretes and profit on speed, that would sure be nice it sure would indeed, *sirens* well im on the go , an no show, hiding in places that you do or dont know, oh shit now i gotta flee, just remember MY FUCKIN NAMES JOHNY im the bitch who spiked the punch at the party made you all puke and spit out your blood, made you take dope cuz i said im your bud, till you passed out, then stole your money cuz ima drop out, i ask you for money, food and cigerettes, im the little bitch who sits behind you and yells NICE TITS to your girlfriend who bends over while i fuck her doggy style make her scream ROVER, but the teacher dont care he just jacks off to it and likes to stare while the only thing you see between our privates is puebic hair, see ever since i was a child my life turned bad, i was either depressed, stoned or really mad, cuz unlike you had, i didnt have parents to tell me this and that and dont shoot parrots, and when i was 5 i kept going to pass for smackin in ass in the middle of class, givin the teacher laxitive so shed pass gas, so heres where i end up, hiding from cops with a hobo in a dump, cuz i killed my friend who wanted revenge, dumped him in the river after i sold his liver to the black market , then started stealing cars after they parked it,
and what the fuck is wrong with your head you fuck corpses and whores that are dead, you must have necrophilia i cant help but make fun of ya, you must be desperate to such a thing bcuz no one would suck your ding a ling its sick shit that your fucking a decomposed clit down a 6 ft hole pit and it dont gross you out just one bit, can't you pay some money to a bitch on the corner instead of looking at dead people and getting a boner ya fuckin loner only other person whod think a dead persons hott is a stoner, incest is just as nasty and lastly dont get denrophilia thats where you fuck plants instead of aunts or dead cats, being gay is so under rated i think every fag should be hanged and hated or just decapitated , lesbians are good especially when theres alot under their hood, they got nice tits asses and clits, and dont ever go celibate i wish i never heard of it, no sex and no fun, might as well as shoot my self through the mouth with my dads gun, and another problem for us is the shootings in school where they couldnt make friends so they fuckin shoot you, all kids are supposed to be nice and kind but some are just plain fucked up in da mind so they do that kinda shit like at Columbine, and they think its just fine till they get put in jail and get time for their crime, and people blame it on me bcuz theyre child didnt know the difference between reality and his fantasy about taping his little brothers peepee where his nose used to be and once i had a friend named daisy and she used to be crazy she did dope which made her eye sight hazy tranquilizers made her limbs feel lazy put in a straight jacket up in an asylum, just try to get outta em, then one day she got out, started killing people with out a doubt, she would rip their head off right up on the spot, or tie your veins in a knot to make your blood clot, stick you in the oven till your burning hot, then dump your burned body in the ground let your corpse rot, only drug in her system was her moms pot she found on under the puke spot where her mom puked out the undercooked sea trout , so now daisy is doing all these weird things, like rapin dolls and stealin plastic jewelery and rings, but shes crazy i swear, she pulled out her hair just because she didnt like the way she looked in the mirror, dont you dare stare at where her hair used to be, cuz she'll pull out your organs alphabetically, it's a good thing they got her locked away, its so damn dark in her cell she'll never see day cuz she killed so many people and this is how shell pay, hehe the crazy thing about her is she was only child, if she was any older she would of been too wild, but now shes in a dark place, and not single trace of any human race is around, so she wont go all psycho again and put her away till shes found, she was crazy bcuz she did what i said, now thanks to her hundreds are dead, see kids theres a whole bunch of crazy maniacs maybe you copy them but no they blame my lyrics , just because i said to rip out some ones intestine and dont ask a question , just do as i say doesnt mean i wanted you to do it one day, you should already know that what ever i say in a song is mentally wrong like giving a wedgie while wearing a thong , ingore what i say ignore as i do, dont do drugs and stay in school bcuz its better for you, and just a little memo to you little fucks out there, just try and fucking stop me i dare and did i mention what a nice day it is to talk about the birds and the bees and the sperm in the seeds how this all leads up to your family trees , and its kind of sick how the teacher uses his left hand to form the uterus gland but david dont understand so he plays in the corner with his rubber band cuz he says he doesn't need a family plan when hes man living in his aunts apartment in front of a fan drinking milk from a can , but i think its interesting how the man claims his land in the uterus gland and the sperm all of a sudden work for uncle sam and fighting their way through the woman, teacher really likes to do experiments too, like sticking razor sharp blades through your wrist like i do, but he loves when kids have sex in the back of the class where a female is lickin the other girls ass and hes jackin off to it and cums comin out like a rocket from a squeezed bottle of sparklett under high pressure , i think hes done with his lecture cuz hes smokin from the pipe he put the coke in, isnt school just amazingly fun, its kinda place you shouldnt bring a gun to shoot the fuckin teachers i mean nun just cuz your a degenerate son to your parents, like my lyrics , i liked not another teen movie its one of the best movies, most people liked it cuz of that girls boobies, well i lied its not one of the best, Michael Myers movies had better shots of girls breast, hehe i'm just kiddin, i like him better cuz he was just good at killin he wasnt afraid of blood spillin, cuz even while the cops were after him he was still chillin, see school makes you think alot, either bout work or doin pot while circling the parking lot, if you gotta problem with me its not my fault, go shove it up your ass till you make your shit clot (Teacher: You have detention Johny) this blows
ive killed over 25 and they were all burned alive, i like to listen to you burn and crisp and hear the fires lisp , why do i do this, CUZ IMA ****ING ARSENIST
think you can stop me, if you even try ill go after your family,
and ur dumb little pets, ill light them on fire so they can light the tips of my cigerettes,
and at night time i like to run around town and burn stuff to the ground,
then while ur sleeping ill be seeping ur house with gasoline then i flee the scene ,
so while the siblings in bed and ur moms giving head
you start to smell smoke and you all start to choke,
and your pets are all dead guess the fire took their flesh and made it shed but instead they burned from the head down to the feet cuz the heat was to strong and boiled their blood boiling red ,
but see its not all that i do, i like to blow and people and make fun of you,
sometimes i like to blow you up till your eyes pop out ,
you start to shout cuz im ripping open your spleen and cutting your dick off while your peein,
i like to be sneaky as well, i sneak in your house with a white mask, and your in the bath, then i surpise you and your neck gets slashed, and i laugh while i take your body and stash it, at the bottom of your laundry basket, and the rest in the washer, while ur head rolls around and bodies rollin around in this weird posture , and im just plain wack in the mind, and you cant kill me cuz im already dead, ive been stabbed, burned, and shot in the head, you can go head and try but you wont end up alive ur just gonna die , see i can kill you and not a soul will know a thing, and thats the reason why i just keep on murdering Fucking cops and their stupid laws, knee em kick em in the balls, steal their gun and cap their ass, you wish you would have let me pass, told me i was under arrest , take my weed and guns and the rest, well fuck you ya little P I G ima kill ur ass cuz ur a fuckin C O P and every single person hates you and every thing you do from your little cars and ur B D U did you know its a felony to slander, well you can kiss my ass while i take your wife and smack her, whats a matta dont like the way i talk, then ill do a drive by ur ass while u in duh pawk, and ur little children too , you can hold them in ur arms while they bleed all over you and you know why we do this cuz ur a P I G and we just hate all you and every C O P so go fuck yourself and youll soon see how bad ur life is about to be, cuz youve never met some one quite like me, cuz i hate you and every P I and G , cutchu you open and letch your blood flow,i dispel the misery from your hell hole, i let you free let you be what you wanted to be,let you have your privacy, your own personality welcome to reality but now it seems that you just wanted me, wanted me just to feel misery, drop me dead in hell for an eternity, looks like fate turned and took you instead, shounta trusted me , now i left you for dead, how that for fuckin friendship i fuckin filled you with led, dumped ur shit ass body over ice creak bay, cops'll probably find your body in there one day, but they will never find me cuz ill be up in hiding in some run down ware house not far from a town, and i stay low and lay down and where i can buy liqour, cigerretes and profit on speed, that would sure be nice it sure would indeed, *sirens* well im on the go , an no show, hiding in places that you do or dont know, oh shit now i gotta flee, just remember MY FUCKIN NAMES JOHNY im the bitch who spiked the punch at the party made you all puke and spit out your blood, made you take dope cuz i said im your bud, till you passed out, then stole your money cuz ima drop out, i ask you for money, food and cigerettes, im the little bitch who sits behind you and yells NICE TITS to your girlfriend who bends over while i fuck her doggy style make her scream ROVER, but the teacher dont care he just jacks off to it and likes to stare while the only thing you see between our privates is puebic hair, see ever since i was a child my life turned bad, i was either depressed, stoned or really mad, cuz unlike you had, i didnt have parents to tell me this and that and dont shoot parrots, and when i was 5 i kept going to pass for smackin in ass in the middle of class, givin the teacher laxitive so shed pass gas, so heres where i end up, hiding from cops with a hobo in a dump, cuz i killed my friend who wanted revenge, dumped him in the river after i sold his liver to the black market , then started stealing cars after they parked it,
and what the fuck is wrong with your head you fuck corpses and whores that are dead, you must have necrophilia i cant help but make fun of ya, you must be desperate to such a thing bcuz no one would suck your ding a ling its sick shit that your fucking a decomposed clit down a 6 ft hole pit and it dont gross you out just one bit, can't you pay some money to a bitch on the corner instead of looking at dead people and getting a boner ya fuckin loner only other person whod think a dead persons hott is a stoner, incest is just as nasty and lastly dont get denrophilia thats where you fuck plants instead of aunts or dead cats, being gay is so under rated i think every fag should be hanged and hated or just decapitated , lesbians are good especially when theres alot under their hood, they got nice tits asses and clits, and dont ever go celibate i wish i never heard of it, no sex and no fun, might as well as shoot my self through the mouth with my dads gun, and another problem for us is the shootings in school where they couldnt make friends so they fuckin shoot you, all kids are supposed to be nice and kind but some are just plain fucked up in da mind so they do that kinda shit like at Columbine, and they think its just fine till they get put in jail and get time for their crime, and people blame it on me bcuz theyre child didnt know the difference between reality and his fantasy about taping his little brothers peepee where his nose used to be and once i had a friend named daisy and she used to be crazy she did dope which made her eye sight hazy tranquilizers made her limbs feel lazy put in a straight jacket up in an asylum, just try to get outta em, then one day she got out, started killing people with out a doubt, she would rip their head off right up on the spot, or tie your veins in a knot to make your blood clot, stick you in the oven till your burning hot, then dump your burned body in the ground let your corpse rot, only drug in her system was her moms pot she found on under the puke spot where her mom puked out the undercooked sea trout , so now daisy is doing all these weird things, like rapin dolls and stealin plastic jewelery and rings, but shes crazy i swear, she pulled out her hair just because she didnt like the way she looked in the mirror, dont you dare stare at where her hair used to be, cuz she'll pull out your organs alphabetically, it's a good thing they got her locked away, its so damn dark in her cell she'll never see day cuz she killed so many people and this is how shell pay, hehe the crazy thing about her is she was only child, if she was any older she would of been too wild, but now shes in a dark place, and not single trace of any human race is around, so she wont go all psycho again and put her away till shes found, she was crazy bcuz she did what i said, now thanks to her hundreds are dead, see kids theres a whole bunch of crazy maniacs maybe you copy them but no they blame my lyrics , just because i said to rip out some ones intestine and dont ask a question , just do as i say doesnt mean i wanted you to do it one day, you should already know that what ever i say in a song is mentally wrong like giving a wedgie while wearing a thong , ingore what i say ignore as i do, dont do drugs and stay in school bcuz its better for you, and just a little memo to you little fucks out there, just try and fucking stop me i dare and did i mention what a nice day it is to talk about the birds and the bees and the sperm in the seeds how this all leads up to your family trees , and its kind of sick how the teacher uses his left hand to form the uterus gland but david dont understand so he plays in the corner with his rubber band cuz he says he doesn't need a family plan when hes man living in his aunts apartment in front of a fan drinking milk from a can , but i think its interesting how the man claims his land in the uterus gland and the sperm all of a sudden work for uncle sam and fighting their way through the woman, teacher really likes to do experiments too, like sticking razor sharp blades through your wrist like i do, but he loves when kids have sex in the back of the class where a female is lickin the other girls ass and hes jackin off to it and cums comin out like a rocket from a squeezed bottle of sparklett under high pressure , i think hes done with his lecture cuz hes smokin from the pipe he put the coke in, isnt school just amazingly fun, its kinda place you shouldnt bring a gun to shoot the fuckin teachers i mean nun just cuz your a degenerate son to your parents, like my lyrics , i liked not another teen movie its one of the best movies, most people liked it cuz of that girls boobies, well i lied its not one of the best, Michael Myers movies had better shots of girls breast, hehe i'm just kiddin, i like him better cuz he was just good at killin he wasnt afraid of blood spillin, cuz even while the cops were after him he was still chillin, see school makes you think alot, either bout work or doin pot while circling the parking lot, if you gotta problem with me its not my fault, go shove it up your ass till you make your shit clot (Teacher: You have detention Johny) this blows
My drug song
Coke , blunts , mirajuana and speed are the drugs that lead to more harmful things like acid and cocaine theyll fuck up your brain till your literally insane and you cant stay still cuz your convulsing and your blood isnt pulsing , oh wait thats extacy the drug that makes ya have a disectimy cuz it went in your system and your heart starts quitin bcuz your life stops livin and the whole world is spinning like a bottle and then you go into shock and your heart beat goes up like a throttle of a rocket cuz your pukin up like a squeezed bottle of sparklett ,you didnt take the drugs on your intension but its too late for your intestine, its swolen and blowin blood out of its sides till you lose so much blood your heart dies and they give you a shock, your damn body just props up your jaw drops, your ears pop, but your hearts still stopped, see what drugs will do to you, like drugs did to your mom and me too, till you vomit like i do, LCD meth and crack, all this shit will give you a heart attack and you cant take it back, your just gonna slack cuz you lacked the fact that you would be fine if you smoked nine a day never knowing that you would pay, well its your fault dont be looking at me, shit your the dumb ass to try LCD, SPEED AND EXTACY, shit
My last song
oooooooo shut the fuck up stop singing along, all you stupid fuckers this is my fucking song, if i wanted you to sing i might of said so, so shut the fuck up and hang ur head low, i am the onnly one who cannot be controlled, my power over takes for my soul has been sold, and ur all next , bcuz ur all shit, your nothing but trash to throw in my pit, of burning flames burning flames and spikes all tricked out, youll be the victim who will learn all about, about the hell and the torture that i will bring out when i stand when i pose and do when i sing, this is my last stand and i shall be no more, cuz i dont see the point for what i live for

Halloween Song for Michael Myers
I'm Michael Myers from Halloween make a sound and I'll rip open your spleen oh my god what a blood scene, your in pain so you scream, I'm the one person you wish you'd never seen, to get rid of you I'll stuff you in the washing machine, oh great your so scared your peein like a scared European thats bleedin, ha ha, yes I think this whole thing is funny that your as scared as a trapped bunny like its about to get eaten oh yummy, but I'd rather just cut you up so you stop crying and shut up , let your blood drip down into a tin cup next to the dead pup, pull out your intestine as my intension to show you that I too do have a purpose which is so service Samhain yeah I could be insane but not, just pure evil and mean and cursed to kill every damn Halloween
I made this song like as my first song
theres shit on the walls and shit in my hair, theres shit in my mouth but i just dont care, theres a dead man hanging on my wall, i seemingly stare as i scratch my ball, then i take a puff of my newly lit joint, think about life, and what its point, i jump off my bed to land on my head , i curse bad words, bout how i hate nerds, then think bout the shit and all the terds, that is on the walls, and is my hair, i think of the shit that i drank from a cup, thats what happens when ur all fucked up, you do stupid shit that you never know, like eating that stuff called yellow snow, and then you wake up and regret everything, but i tell ya what, it was a hell of a thing
Like my 2nd song made
take a big grab of the chips in the bag, take a seat back and i open a mag, see da front cover, its a pimp dad and his lover, turn to page 5 , its a bouta music and whats live, down in the beach sacramento, roll up on the curb in 40 foot limo, all deez pimpas and players parting like dere no tomorrow, bustin out cash cuz dey need some to borrow, im richch player from the uptown hills, making money makin dolla bills, pimpin out makin girls take their pills, wearin chains and rings all made out from gold, for all this crap my soul had to be sold, it be all worth it when my life all be over,but the day i pass over , is one day that you wont forget, about the the crap i that i taught you and the rest of the shit, so you dont go off and say you never had help, if you deny, ill bust you into a pelp, im almost done it aint easy to rhyme shit man let me take my damn time, and now thats done , one more thing to say, when you get as high as me stay the hell out of my way